What is Positive Fields?
We are a community based arts and technology education center. We're based in Hogansville, GA. Our goal is to bring STEAM educational opportunities. and collaborative learning to all. We believe that everyone deserves access to state-of-the-art educational opportunities. We strive to offer access to classes and equipment at the lowest cost possible for our members. We are a collaborative learning center, with a strong focus on community development.
We're now offering classes!
We use and teach software such as Blender 3D and Autodesk Fusion 360. From CAD to 3D modeling for effects and game development.
Click to learn more about our policies, teaching practices, software and hardware, and to become a member.
We use and teach software such as Blender 3D and Autodesk Fusion 360. From CAD to 3D modeling for effects and game development.
3D printing is one of the core technologies we work with every day. CNC machining is our other main fabrication passion. We love it! You will too!
We work with hardware and software platforms like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and the Adafruit lineup to create all sorts of circuits and devices.
Upcoming Workshops
We’ve got some amazing and fun upcoming workshops! Typically on Saturdays. Super fun located in historic downtown Hogansville.
Our passion is creativity.
Art and technology work together at Positive Fields.
We work with schools, home school groups, and all sorts of other organizations to provide access to S.T.E.A.M. educational resources. We tailor custom classes in areas such as costume design, video game design, product and industrial design.
Creative Fundamentals of Art
From the elements of design to the foundations of industrial arts.
State of the Art Technology
From computers to microcontrollers, from robots to electronics. We offer access to advanced tech and engineering.
Meet the Team
Grady Sain is the director of Positive Fields, and Seth Cagle is our assistant director. We’re both artists and engineers and we both REALLY love making amazing things with technology. Our job is to help you get as excited as we are about the future!
Do you want to help us by volunteering? These kids and young people could use your help. Plus- you’ll pick up some super cool skills by helping out at Positive Fields. OR- maybe you want to see more (or different) classes offered? Let us know!
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